Jen West and Kris Fleming Redefine Real Estate Investing
Unlocking Opportunities, Empowering Investors and Building a Real Estate Legacy
In real estate investing, visionary and creative leaders are the ones who not only adapt but also transform the industry. Jen West, CEO of Wild Fig Financial, and Kris Fleming, founder of KFP Investors LLC and Aunt Sally LLC, are two such trailblazers. Their new partnership aims to reshape the investment real estate financing landscape, combining their extensive expertise and innovative approaches to offer unparalleled client services.

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Loans and Financing Out of Hard Money with Kris Fleming
In this episode, Chris sits down with Kris Fleming from KFP Investors to talk about all things real estate lending with a specific focus on Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loans and refinancing out of hard money loans.